Friday, May 21, 2010

MySQ: Delay_Key_Write

MySQL Alter Table t Delay_ Key_ Write Command

The delay_key_write option works with MyISAM tables. Delayed key writing tells storage engine not to wtire change index data to disk at the end of any query that changes the data. Instead, the changes are kept in the key buffer until the server prunes the buffer or close the table. This option can boots performance if the MyISAM table is changing frequenry, for example, has a lot of inserts and updates.

To turn on delay_key_write option for a table, you can include the following statement in to create table script:

     Delay_key_write =1

Or for existing table, use the alter table statement:

    MySQL> ALTER TABLE table name DELAY_KEY_WRITE = 1;

Please note that,in MySQL, Alter Table statement takes time to excute and locks the table. Therefore, for large tables, so do this with care.

There are a few thing need to keep in mind when using delay_key_write option as well. First, the changes, mainly, the index changes, will be kep in memory until the buffer cache prunes or the table is closed. A table is closed when:
  •   When the cache is full and a thread tries to open a table that is not in the cache.
  •  When the cache contains more than table_cache entries and a thread is no longer using a table.
  •  When FLUSH TABLES command is issued.
 This means that if the server or table is crashed, there will be indexes cruptions since the indexes on the index file (tablename.MYI) was not updated while the data file (tablename.MYD) was. Therefore, it is recomanded that the myisam-recover variable to be turned on during server startup. For example, set
 --myisam-recover=BACKUP,FORCE in my.cnf file or start the server with –myisam-recover option. Secondly, if the table has many write delays, it will table longer for the table to close since it needs time to flush all the caches to the disk, and it will take longer to run FLUSH TABLES statements(flush table, flush table with read lock) Hence, flush tables should be used a bit frequely if you use delay_key_write option. Lastly, queries may need to wait for the MyISAM engine to free up space in the key buffer cache because the unflushed dirty blocks in the key buffer cache take up space.

Delay_Key_write option can also be enable globally for all MyISAM tables. To do so, set the delay_key_write option to ‘all’:

   delay_key_write = all

However, it is not a commend pratics to most systems because for infrequently written tables, delay_key_write may increase the chance of index corruption.


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